Experiment 001 – MST3K 610 “The Violent Years”

This episode, Brian sits down with fellow MSTie Joel Cranson to discuss the episode “The Violent Years”, just what the accompanying short was about, the impact of Ed Wood’s oeuvre, and Tom Servo’s creepy, creepy head.


“Spirits of the Force” trilogy on YouTube
Kevin Herrmann
Phoenix Comicon 2016  (Check out Joel’s MST3K panel on Sat night, 6/4!)

– Watch the episode, the full short or the full non-MST3K film at Club MST3K

– Rifftrax short “Marriage Is A Partnership”

– Rifftrax film “Icebreaker”

– “Ed Wood” – iTunes, Amazon

– “Plan 9 from Outer Space” – YouTube, RifftraxRifftrax Live!

The Mads attempt to sing

– MST3K short “Why Study Industrial Arts?”
– MST3K episode “I Accuse My Parents”
– MST3K episode “Time of the Apes”

End theme arranged by @salientblue

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